Wednesday, June 14, 2006


[Insert random spiritual and thought provoking comments relating to above photos here]

Sorry, but schools got me too stuck in "right brain" mode to say anything interesting right now. I can tell you Phasor value of the current through a 10 microFarad capacitor hooked up to an sinusoidal voltage source of amplitude 5 Volts, frequency of 5kHz and phase angle of pi/6 radians.... -0.5<4pi/6, w = 10kpi rad/s


Rob Jirucha said...

Nice site! Click here for something really interesting (CLICK HERE)

Rob Jirucha said...

No really. Nice shots. Where were they taken. I like the chair one. Kind of a cool angle. Where was that high point from?

You must live somewhere very beautiful;)

Daryl said...

The one from the high point isout my bedroom window...seriously...okay, it's from the Space Needle. The rest were taken at MacKenzie Beach near Tofino. The top two were on an island that could you can walk to at low tide, and the chair (at the place we were staying) one was taken through my binoculars to get the cool effect.