Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Precipitous Phobic Pondering

I love the rain. It's cool, refreshing, and brilliant fun to be out in on a miserable afternoon. I'm sure more than a few people thought me strange the other day; seeing me out in the pouring rain with neither hood nor umbrella, not bothering to circumvent the puddles in my path, opting instead to traverse right through them, stopping on occasion in the smaller ones to make a big splash.

I've never understood why people hate the rain. After all, it's only water. We drink it, are bodies are mostly made of it, we'll even jump from great heights into large bodies of it. Yet we fear a few drops falling from the sky?

"Oh, but it makes everything feel miserable," people will say. But of course it will if you spend all day cooped up inside, afraid to go out, lest you get a bit wet. It's not the rain that makes us miserable, it's our unwillingness to do anything when it's around.

And when we do go outside, we bundle up. We throw on layers of extra clothing, and pull out a massive umbrella. Are we so afraid of a little refreshing water, that we need to shield our entire bodies from its aerial onslaught. Granted one might get sick from being out too long and getting too wet, but don't let that stop you from experiencing such a wonderful gift.

I believe the reason we get sick, is because of all the evil in the world. But why should we have to fear what is good, because sin has tainted it? We are afraid to experience the harmless, even beautiful and wonderful things God has given us, because our own sin might cause something bad to happen to us.

So I say, "So what if I get a little sick." What some may view as a battle, I view as training; strengthening my body against the harshness of our environment. I'm not going to subscribe to the devils fear tactics; I will not hide and shield myself from the good things of this world because he has left his mark on them. Should we avoid art and photography because of playboy. Should we never watch movies, or TV, or listen to music because of Pornography, Reality TV, and (c)rap "music." Just because so much shit has begun to permeate into the good things of this world, does not mean we should avoid those things outright. Instead we should seek to reclaim them; salvage the good back from these gifts God has given us.

Maybe if we all took the time to enjoy the rain, splash in a few puddles, and get a bit wet, we'd see that there really is nothing to fear. God gave us the rain, let's enjoy it.

1 comment:

Rob Jirucha said...

Check out my thoughts soon about this. I had a great Easter. We skipped the traditional dealio. Instead, we went to China Beach after church and spent the day and night in pure, unadulterated rain. It was a delight. The young kids that were there loved it all the more BECAUSE OF the rain. Love of the elements in all their loveliness is a natural and innate thing within children until we adults beat and condition them out of it. Sometimes, that conditioning is purely for lack of exposure.

Pity, that.